"I don't know what to say!"
Have you ever uttered those words? Perhaps you said that after a friend lost their child in an accident. Maybe you thought that after seeing a coworker left by a spouse. Maybe you felt that way after an old friend told you he had struggled with drugs but somehow kept going back to them.
First aid is a practical tool you use to learn to help people through difficult times. Get your copy from D6. Find the First Aid booklets at D6 as well.
Now the principles of First Aid can be given directly to those in pain to help themselves. This series of booklets can be used to provide solid guidance out of some of the most difficult issues in life. Finding Help can be used as a practical guide for why one should seek treatment and how to find it. In addition, this brief booklet will help someone become better prepared to find and participate in the helping process. Depression helps one assess their situation and provides direction about how to get better. Grief walks individuals through the grieving process while Addiction
provides a roadmap out of entangling behaviors. These practical booklets provide sound Biblical instruction based on the latest research for dealing well with some very difficult issues. Get your copy today!
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Here is a list of websites to help you find professionals in your area.
Here you can find the resources listed at the end of the chapters in First Aid for Emotional Hurts.