Moody Endorsements

"Dr. Edward Moody, the consummate counseling professional and counselor educator, has
merged counseling scholarship with his Christian beliefs to create First Aid for Emotional
Hurts. This book gets to the heart of what humans need when confronting the physical,
emotional, and social challenges of living in a world that often seems unforgiving and
hopeless. Dr. Moody combines Christian joy and 
with principles of counseling to
help people regain their mental health and stability when faced with life’s most difficult

Dr. Ed Gerler
Professor in Educational Leadership, Policy and Human Development Department
Former Associate Dean for Research and External Affairs in College of Education
North Carolina State University

"I have referred to this book many times over the last decade in helping people deal with
difficult issues and have given many copies away. I am so glad to see it come out in a
new, revised, and expanded edition. I hope many more will benefit from Dr. Moody's
wise, biblical counsel with this new edition."

Matt Pinson
Welch College

"While few would hesitate to give help to those who are in physical need of food, clothing,
or housing, many of us find that we are ill-prepared to support our loved ones in times of
emotional needs. Dr. Eddie Moody issues a biblically-reasoned call to respond 
with First
Aid for Emotional Hurts. Drawing on his many years of experience as a pastor and
mental health professional, his book provides a timely call and helpful resource for the
Church to respond to one of the most overlooked needs of our time. No one should wait
for difficult situations to consider how to respond appropriately. You are in a position to
begin helping now!"

Dr. Chip Hardy
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Wake Forest, North Carolina

"Dr. Moody fits each of us with walking boots so we can meet the needs of “the least of
these” (Matthew 25:31-46). Since emotional first aid is not optional for believers and
most of us are not trained professionals, we need practical guidance. This revision
provides that guidance in a concise but poignant manner. We can be equipped emotional
first responders, as was the Good 
Samarian, and do not walk past the needy person (Luke

Elizabeth Hodges
Director of Women Nationally Active for Christ (WNAC)

"Many in our society today face emotional and mental challenges that often get ignored.
Dr. Moody has provided a valuable resource to allow everyone to respond in crisis and
help those around them. It is vital that we be prepared to help those who are hurting and
this book is the tool needed for training."

Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Associate Professor of Medicine

"Dr. Moody is a well-respected expert in behavioral health counseling and crisis
intervention, and he has captured essential life-saving information in his latest edition of
First Aid for Emotional Hurts. As a long-time nurse practitioner in primary care and
graduate nursing educator, I understand the importance of preparing others to act when
someone is in crisis. As a provider in the Army, I see 
immense value of his latest book
for faith-based response to Soldiers dealing with emotional hurt. His words of wisdom
from his experience and education provide the necessary tools and supporting biblical
foundation to allow people to respond appropriately in difficult situations. As Christians,
we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus and are here to serve. Dr. Moody has
clearly presented that calling with practical action steps for the empowerment of others. I
highly recommend First Aid for Emotional Hurts for community and church members,
mission lay people, those new to the ministry, and anyone who yearns to be able to help
someone in need."

Primary Care Provider/Clinical Associate Professor

Eddie Moody has become a familiar and trusted name among pastors, parents, and those who are committed to helping others. I have seen him firsthand apply the insights and wisdom from this book to serious situations, and equip other Christians to do the same. This revised edition of First Aid is a welcomed addition for those who serve fellow strugglers.

W. Jackson Watts
Pastor, Grace Free Will Baptist Church, Arnold, Missouri
Co-editor of The Promise of Arminian Theology
Co-founder of The Helwys Society Forum

Some time ago, I sat in a roomful of adults suffering the heartache of dealing with aged parents. A few weeks ago a pastor friend called me, distraught that his son had revealed that he is gay. Recently I heard of a young preacher leaving the ministry over depression stemming from childhood abuse. These are just a few examples of the many people we have in our churches who are dealing with emotional distress. The fact is that all around us there are hurting people — people who desperately need help and often do not know where to turn. A decade ago, Dr. Moody published the first edition of First Aid for Emotional Hurts, which was a godsend to many people in need. In this revised edition, he brings up-to-date and practical advise for the hurting and even the desperate. There is no one in our ranks more qualified or more compassionate to provide sound and caring advise to those in distress.

Daniel Baer, Ph.D.
Academic Dean
Southeastern Free Will Baptist College
Moderator, Randall Association
Member, Board of Trustees of the FWB Board of Retirement