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There is nothing normal about combat and so for those who have experienced it there is a new normal that may involve memory problems, sleep problems, agitation and sadness as well as relationship problems. 
Retired Chaplain, Lt. Col. David Trogdon, I wrote this booklet as a way to thank our veterans.   David served for 33 years, including 25 years of active duty.  He was deployed to Iraq twice, Afghanistan, Africa, and Kuwait and was awarded three Bronze Stars and the Purple Heart. We wrote this booklet to do as Romans 13 says, “Pay to all what is owed them . . . respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.”  We are indebted to our veterans. 

If you are the spouse or friend of a veteran you may find yourself somewhat dismayed that the person who has returned to you is not the same person you sent off to war.  We want to encourage you to keep trying to help your veteran. It appears that friends and family are very supportive in the first 6-8 months after their veteran returns home but that support tends to erode and greatly so 18-24 months after the return. 

So, whether you are a veteran or have friends and family who are veterans, we hope you will use this booklet to help yourself and others because our country needs our veterans now more than ever to be everything God wants them to be.